The Oz nudie party will soon have first-timers like Mia Wasikowska (breasts in Stoker), Margot Robbie (possible full frontal) and gorgeous Bella Heathcote to complement Adelaide nude-coming.
Here is my prediction way back in January on CNDB forum............
Michelle Williams look-a-like Adelaide Clemens is slowly gaining ground in Hollywood with handful of flicks coming out in 2012. Keeping fingers crossed the Aussie blonde will have the same positive attitude towards nudity like Michelle. High chances of seeing her boobies in Generation Um... (2012) and Parade's End (TV Series 2012)
ET Canada On The Set Of Schrader-Ellis-Deen-Lohan’s THE CANYONS (3’05″)
Entertainment Tonight Canada visits the set of The Canyons
Stars Nolan Funk, James Deen and Lindsay Lohan
* Lohan (breasts) and Tenille Houston will have nude scenes. First on-cam for Miss Houston. Hopefully it's full-frontal as promised.
Jena Sims on 'Attack of the 50-Ft Cheerleader 3D' and Her 'Pageant of Hope'

But acting and modeling aren't the only places where Sims's talent and passion lies: she is an award-winning philanthropist. Sims is the founder and president of the non-profit HBBQ's, Inc.(Has-Been-Beauty-Queens); which she started as a high school student after years of fund-raising for the American Cancer Society. HBBQ works to raise self-esteem for kids dealing with Cancer and other serious health challenges through the noncompetitive 'Pageant of Hope'.
The Georgia native has taken her heart around the world providing hope to children everywhere from the slums of South Africa to Cuba to all the way to Australia. Her 'Pageant of Hope' event in Los Angeles was recently featured on ABC's “Everyday Health”. When speaking with Sims, her unwavering passion and dedication to uplift and make a difference in the lives of others is highly apparent. We chatted about how her love for charity began, what it was like filming her first movie, the most valuable lesson she took away from it and much more!
ATTACK OF THE 50-Ft CHEERLEADER is your first film, what was the experience like for you filming it? You have the starring role.
Jena- Yes, it's my first movie. It was so awesome! It exceeded my expectations of what I thought it would be like. I was working six days a week. Every day I woke up looking forward going to work and I knew this is exactly what I want to do because I love it. I never once dreaded going to work at four in the morning or staying till four in the morning. (Laughs) It was awesome. And we also had a lot of creative input in the film. We got to make certain choices and do more improv. It was really fun.
What is the premise of the movie?
Jena- It is not technically a remake of ATTACK OF THE 50 FOOT WOMAN, but it has its similarities. It's about an ugly-ducking turning into a pretty swan story. In the beginning I play Cassie Stratford. I'm a nerd, I have pimples on my face; and my crazy mother all she wants me to do is join the cheer-leading squad and join a sorority. And I had to do those things to please her so she'll pay for my tuition at the college I'm going to. So I create this serum that I inject myself with and first it's to make me beautiful and more athletic, and it does, but as its side effects, I continue to grow throughout the film. And then there's another whole story about the antagonist who gets jealous because she has the height complex. She injects herself with it and then there's a big fight because I'm supposed to be the only 50 foot cheerleader.
What did you enjoy most about your character?
Jena- I think the nerd part. Playing the nerd, even though it's such a brief amount of time in the film, it was so easy to go to work and not have to sit through hair and make up. It was so fun to play a nerd because I feel like I'm such a nerd at heart. I just got to explore that and let my nerd roots sprout high. (Laughs)
What would you say was the most valuable lesson you learned from making the movie, that you think you will take with you to future projects?
Jena- The first thing that came to my mind was Hollywood is such a game and there's no way to predict it. I literally woke up that morning and just went to that audition like it was any other audition. In the beginning I didn't know that much about that project. It changed my life the day that I booked it. It has totally changed me as a person. I'm more confident with my acting now. I definitely think the lesson there is you can't plan these things. It's all about the right time, right place.
Was there a day on set of filming it that stood out to you as the most fun or most challenging?
Jena- I definitely think the most fun and the most challenging day on set was when we were filming the fight scene at the very end. It took a week to film this one fight. And this stunt coordinator got so frustrated with us because we were so tired. It was already around three am, we were so sore from doing the same fight and moves over and over, and we were all hyped up on red bull; and he was like “I'm going to throw some energy balls!” And we said, “What the heck is that?” And he was just tossing these fake energy balls. literally just air, just moving his hands and throwing these “energy” balls at us and we just got such a kick out of it because he took it so very seriously. But it was fun. It was our comedic relief. And it got us through. Anytime we were doing the fight scene, it was particularly challenging.
What is your dream role?
Jena- I want to play Tina Fey's daughter in a comedy. That is my dream role. I love Tina Fey and I think we could pass as relatives. I think it would be so much fun to be her daughter and do like a fun mom-daughter comedy with my other favorite actor Aziz Ansari. I think it would be fun to have him as a love interest or an adopted-brother. And if Will Ferrall was my dad, I think all my dreams would come true! (Laughs)
You have your HBBQ non-profit, that you do the Pageant of Hope with, how did the idea for it come about?
Jena- When I was ten, I lost both my grandfathers to Cancer. And at ten, I decided I wanted to raise money to cure Cancer. Of course, as a ten-year-old I thought I could cure Cancer! (Laughs) I started raising money for the American Cancer Society. I formed my own Relay for Life team. I raised $88,000 by the time I was 18 for Cancer research, but I wanted to do more. I wanted to play with the kids more. I wanted to go into the hospitals and interact with the kids. So at 15, I started doing pageants while I was still raising money for Cancer research. One day I decided to combine my two favorite things; which was at the time competing in pageants and philanthropy, and I created an event. It originally started out as a Cancer pageant. I started with kids with Cancer at first. And then eventually I brought the children to me because it was so hard to get a team into the hospital for it.
And I know you have done the pageant in Cuba and many cities and countries. Is it at all challenging to organize them and convince the parents to do it? Especially when you're traveling to a foreign country for it?
Jena- I did do Cuba. Pageantry, especially in today's world, is such a whole taboo word because of the reality shows giving us bad reputations. I think it's really hard when people have a disease or challenge, they hear the word pageant, and they're like absolutely not. They think we're going to be putting them on display. Where once I actually sit down and tell them that it's more of a celebration and everybody wins and it's all about the kids, they agree. I think the hardest part is just getting people to listen first to you. And see that I have a proven formula. There is a way to do it. It has nothing to do with beauty. As far as Cuba goes, that was actually one of my easier pageants. It was difficult traveling to Cuba. But all the kids were out of school for the summer and they were at this summer camp so it happened to be a group of children with mental disabilities. We just got to go to the summer camp. It was at an aquarium, so it was amazing. We held the pageant there. It was great! We had around 30 kids. Not a lot of them spoke English and that was tough. And not a lot of them even knew what pageantry was. I guess in Cuba they don't have that many pageants. It was interesting, but it was still really fun.
And I know you have done it in South Africa, too.
Jena- Yes, I've done it in South Africa. That was amazing, too. That was more grassroots. That was not like a full-on pageant because we went to a small place outside of Cape Town and we cooked for the families and then at the end of the day, I just had all the girls crowd around and I just crowned them all. They were prancing around with their crowns. It's the same idea: no matter whether you do a pageant or not, it's more about making them feel like kings and queens and princes and princesses. It just makes them feel confident. There's something about a crown on your head that just makes you feel good!
And it's a distraction for these kids who are facing tough diseases and dealing with treatments and rough days. You're giving them a positive change for a day.
Jena- Exactly. It definitely takes their mind off of the experience. I would say every single pageant there's always one kid who is like, “This is the best day of my life.” At the Alabama pageant, I was in tears because there was this girl who made this acceptance speech. She took the mike from the host and was like, “I have something to say. I want to thank my mom and my dad and my grandmother and my doctors for taking me here. And this is the best day of my life!” She screamed it. And I just melted. It's definitely all about making them take their mind off of whatever they're currently occupied with.
Do you have a special moment or experience from one of the pageants? One that always stands out to you?
Jena- That one recent experience in Alabama was pretty amazing. A lot of them are sad experiences. We had a guy in Alabama who was in a wheelchair, and he didn't speak, he had an application where he could just type and talk. He said, “You know I haven't always been like this.” And I said, “What do you mean?” He said, “I was a star quarterback in high school and I had an accident playing football and that's why I'm in this wheelchair.” It just hits home. It definitely puts everything into perspective. Our issues are so small compared to a life-changing injury or chemo. It's such a life-changing thing. Another one is the reason why I'm still doing this; I used to mentor a kid named Ryan, who when I met him he was seven-years-old and he had a really rare form of Cancer. He was from my hometown in Georgia. He was in my first Pageant of Hope. He was this funny little kid. He was balled and currently in therapy. And right before the pageant started, he tugged on my dress and asked, “Jena, how does my hair look?” And of course, he didn't have any hair so it was really funny to see his sense of humor. So after that pageant, I was so touched, I continued to mentor him. I would go over to his house and swim with him in the summer and bring him presents during the holidays; just spend time with him. In 2008, he ended up passing away. So that's sort of who I dedicate my service to, Ryan.
You're right it definitely does put everything into perspective when you hear the stories and see the kids. I remember thinking that at your Pageant of Hope in Los Angeles and seeing the kids there. We definitely have to appreciate everything and everyone.
Jena- Yes, it definitely helps me value life more because I'm very blessed and you never know! Good or bad, any event that is going to change it. Our next pageant is the weekend after Thanksgiving in Georgia. So if anybody in Georgia wants to be involved, contact me on my website!
If you could go back in time and spend a day in the life of anyone from history, who would it be and why?
Jena-I'm going to go with Steve Jobs. I've grown to truly love Apple and appreciate and respect the way he ran the business so I would definitely love to be him for a day. I think it would be really interesting to see what a day in his life would be like.
Visit for more on Jena!
Follow her on Twitter @jenamsims
Will Blake Lively’s Refusal to Appear Nude On Screen Help or Hurt Her Career? (ANALYSIS)
Blake Lively marks two milestones this week. One is turning 25 on Saturday, August 25. The other, less remarked upon, is a career decision that could be momentous: she essentially pledged never to appear on camera in her birthday suit.
Granted, she did show almost everything, but not quite, in her steamy scenes in this summer’s Savages. Still, she reportedly said this week that she’s thrown off by watching nudity on screen and doesn’t believe she’ll ever feel comfortable acting in the buff herself.
“When I see nudity in movies, I am always distracted by it,” the Daily Mail quoted her as saying. “I know that if I am watching a scene and someone has their boobs out, then that’s all I’m looking at — I can’t help it. I just don’t think that will ever be right for me.”
Whether or not to do nudity seems to be a decision that every rising, attractive actress in Hollywood must eventually face. Many choose, as Lively seems to have chosen, to refuse to strip for the camera. Many others seem to have no problem shedding their clothes on-screen.
But which is the smarter career move?
By the time they’re Lively’s age, many young actresses have shown repeatedly that they have no problem with nude scenes. There’s Angelina Jolie, Anne Hathaway, Anna Paquin — and that’s just the A’s. Such actresses have no trouble finding work — or winning awards. And not despite their willingness to strip, but often because of it.
The most celebrated example here is probably Halle Berry. She was a star for a decade before she did her first nude scene in 2001, reportedly demanding an extra $500,000 to appear topless in a gratuitous scene in the big-budget thriller Swordfish. A few months later, she took a lot less money to show a lot more skin in the indie Monster’s Ball, but her performance in that drama of racial reconciliation earned her a Best Actress Oscar.
Movie critics (who are often men) will hail an actress who strips (at least, in the right dramatic role) for her “bravery” or “fearlessness,” which seems to be code for “willingness to satisfy men’s prurient interest.” (And it’s not just young actresses; Helen Mirren and Charlotte Rampling were impressing critics with their willingness to bare all until they were well into their 50s.) The Academy just follows the critics’ lead, according to Scott Feinberg, the awards blogger/analyst for the Hollywood Reporter.
“The Academy is primarily older males who enjoy younger women,” Feinberg told Celebuzz. “Almost every Best Actress winner in recent years has been conventionally beautiful. In every instance where there’s a close race, the edge seems to go to the woman who’s more conventionally attractive.”
But even among beautiful actresses, willingness to go unclothed gives an even greater edge. Not just on screen, but when campaigning as well. “When Kate Winslet appeared naked on a magazine cover that was released as voters filled out their ballots, that wasn’t a coincidence. Even Helen Mirren appeared in a bikini while she was campaigning.” (Both won; Mirren for her fully-dressed role in The Queen, Winslet for her frequently undressed role in The Reader.)
As Feinberg pointed out, there are so many eligible movies every year that they risk being ignored unless there’s something about them that stands out. “The first step is capturing the media’s attention. Flashy acting and nudity are going to do that,” he said.
Still, does nudity really make a lofty drama more artistic, or is it just an easy way to sell tickets and generate press coverage? “There are probably ways of telling those same stories without getting graphic.,” Feinberg said. “I’ve been in conversations with actors who have done this — is that really acting or is it pandering?” Performers will tell you that there is an artistically valid reason for showing all (echoing what their directors must have told them), but aren’t they just rationalizing?
There are certainly plenty of actresses who’ve made the same choice as Lively whose careers have flourished. Julia Roberts won an Oscar and spent two decades as queen of the box office without having to strip all the way down. Even in Sex and the City, Sarah Jessica Parker has never shown everything, and no one ever dismissed that series or the movie spinoffs as timid or less than candid; nor has Parker’s movie career or reputation as an awards-worthy actress suffered.
You’d think it would be easier, then, to just say no. You’d never have to worry about what your wobbly bits look like in HD, or how to negotiate specifics about pay and exposure in nudity clauses in your contract. You’d never have to explain your decision to your parents, or your kids. And you’d never have to dread knowing that screengrabs of your nude scenes will be a click away on every porn site on the Web, forever.
State and Main: Sarah Jessica Parker Backs Out of Nudity Agreement (Contains NSFW language)
So how does an actress decide which path to take? Celebuzz sought career advice from Howard Bragman, Vice Chairman of and longtime Hollywood publicist who says he has guided many actresses through this decision. Surprisingly, he said, “It’s just not a very big deal. I certainly respect the right of everyone to make their own decision. It’s just not a career issue.”
One reason it’s not a big deal is the behavior and taste of the 18-to-34-year-olds whose attention Hollywood covets. “The 18-to-34 demographic doesn’t have a lot of concern about nudity,” Bragman said. “They text nude pictures of themselves to each other. It’s different from a generation ago.” He added, “Look at Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian. They built their careers on the back of nudity. They’ve certainly transcended that, but you have to remember where they started.”
Nudity for actresses has become such a non-issue, Bragman said, that “one of the last great frontiers is that men have started getting naked.” He cited Michael Fassbender in 2011′s Shame and said that his nudity in that character study of a sex addict was artistically merited. “If he hadn’t taken his clothes off, that wouldn’t have been a credible film.”
How, then, would he advise a young actress facing the decision of whether or not to do nudity?
“I’d look at the role, the director, where the film is going to end up, and her feelings as an actor,” Bragman said.
So, happy birthday, Blake. Trust your feelings.
the brigde that could make brussels a new baltimore
The Buda Bridge, in the industrial area along the canal north of downtown Brussels, will be the setting for an English speaking tv-pilot by HBO (known for The Sopranos, Six Feet Under, The Wire and countless other succesful series).
‘Buda Bridge Bitch’ will portray a bleak Brussels in a near, dystopian future. The drama unfolds as a woman is found dead on the old iron bridge. This leads to a series of violent crimes.
The pilot will be written and directed by Brussels based Michael R. Roskam, who got an Oscar nomination this year for his feature Bullhead. If HBO likes the pilot, it will be the start of a full blown series.
Cynics reacted that Brussels doens’t need a violent crime drama to further
harm the city’s image. But the truth is that Brussels hardly has any image at all. No matter how dark the European capital will be portrayed, a series like Buda Bridge Bitch can work out better than any citymarketing scheme (not that the city has many of those).
As the saying goes: There is no such thing as bad publicity. Nobody imagined visiting the grim streets of Baltimore before getting hooked on The Wire. Now people know the city and sometimes decide they want to see it with their own eyes. They want to experience the places where their favourite cops or dealers hang out.
Of course there is one condition: the show must be worth watching. The Wire worked wonders for Baltimore because it’s widely considered to be one of the best series ever.
So will we see tourist busses heading out to the Buda Bridge in some years? Michael R. Roskam, the fate of Brussels’ tourism is now in your hands.
Rachel McAdams and Noomi Rapace Have ‘Passion’ Brian de Palma Style
Every Brian de Palma fan will be rejoicing with his latest Passion starring Rachel McAdams and Noomi Rapace as the master of erotic horror is back in fighting form. You can bet Channing Tatum would have liked this Rachel McAdams in The Vow.
Anyone who saw the original The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo knew that it was inevitable Noomi Rapace and Brian de Palma would work together on this Passion project. Who would have thought it would turn out to be such a highly anticipated film on the film festival circuit?
The man who showed the world exactly what Angie Dickinson’s gynecologist saw in Dressed To Kill and gave a whole new meaning to a bush whacker is back in fine form with Passion as you can see for yourself in the trailer below. I’ve gotten so used to seeing McAdams in Nicholas Sparks films so it’s great to see her in a whole different light and starring opposite Rapace just brings out the best in her.
Passion Movie Synopsis
Christine (Rachel McAdams), an elegant, ice-cool blonde career woman who holds a senior position with a high-powered advertising agency; and her assistant Isabel (Noomi Rapace), a shy and reticent brunette. Christine has a silky smooth charm, but underneath her veneer of control hides a tangle of kinky sexual needs. Isabel, smart and creative despite her hesitance, harbours a growing ambition. When Christine claims credit for a daring marketing campaign that was entirely Isabel’s idea, the gloves start to come off in subtle ways. Isabel is initially disarmed by her boss’ candour: as Christine explains it, stealing her idea was simply business. But things change when Christine humiliates Isabel in public. With the plot set in motion, De Palma uncorks all the stops and, with wild abandon, launches into a labyrinthine revenge story. As Isabel schemes, Christine parries her thrusts with calculated bravura. De Palma relishes these kinds of baroque plots; here he lets rip with a series of set pieces in the style for which he is famous. McAdams and Rapace revel in the expanse De Palma always allows his actors, while the story twists and turns in unexpectedly. Scratch below the surface: passions rage.
Starring: Rachel McAdams, Noomi Rapace, Karoline Herfurth, and Paul Anderson
Directed By: Brian de Palma
Release Date: It’s the hot ticket at TIFF, but no release date yet for North America, but expect that to change if the highly erotic film doesn’t scare off the domestic distributors.
* I don't like the way Rachel is covering herself in that lez scene with Rapace. Just got a bad feeling we're going to be short-changed when it comes to Rachel nudity. I want a lengthy shot of her tits and ass. Wishing and hoping.
Brooke Hogan Gets Naked For PETA
SFPD Officer Suspended For NSFW Erotic Fantasy Pics
Slate has more:
The 36-year-old San Francisco Police Department officer accuses the department of violating his right to free speech by suspending him twice for his off-duty hobby of "creative photography” and nude "figure study," according to his complaint filed on Aug. 9 in a federal court. Thanks to the 36-year-old cop’s suit, a federal judge in Oakland is now saddled with making a ponderous precedent: Do police officers have the right to take and publish nude photos in their free time? Though cops with a penchant for sexy succubi may be rare, this case has important implications for other public employees with hobbies that their employers may find objectionable.Most unfortunate. Officers, like you, should be allowed to photograph nude pics—medusa snakes and all!—without antiquated rules on morality or prickly SFPD rules on misconduct. (This also isn't the first instance of an SFPD officer partaking in erotic photography, we need to point out.) Hansen, for his part, never tried to hide his hobby.
Slate goes on to note:
The seven-year officer served 10 days of suspension this January following an internal affairs investigation stemming from a photo shoot in an abandoned hotel in March 2010. That’s when four sheriff’s deputies and a sergeant in neighboring Contra Costa County cited Hansen and his two models—er, sexy ghosts—for trespassing onto private property. When asked why he was there, Hansen identified himself as an SFPD officer and said that he was taking photos. Hansen says the deputies asked if he had a website for his photos. He said yes, which was enough for his bosses to claim that he was “establishing a nexus between [his] employment as a San Francisco Police Officer and [his] personal website.”Hansen goes on to defend his work "as art, not porn," adding, "I believe that the work I make is beautiful and interesting and so do my friends and family ... It seems like creating art is a benefit to the department."
You can view Hansen's NSFW photos at
More here and here.
Watch The Flaming Lips and Amanda Palmer Get NSFW In ‘The First Time I Ever Saw Your Face’
Remember that time Amanda Palmer got naked on the internet? And then there was that other time she got naked on the internet. Then there was that time on the internet when The Flaming Lips pissed off Erykah Badu because they posted photos and then a video of her naked on the internet. Well now The Flaming Lips have posted a video with Amanda Palmer naked on the internet. You even get to see her Map of Tasmania.
The very NSFW video is for a song called The First Time I Ever Saw Your Face. Now I know what you are thinking, that was the song where The Flaming Lips and Erykah Badu teamed up together. Well after Badu got all butthurt about The Flaming Lips putting her naked body up in the internet, she was replaced by Amanda Palmer. Check out the NSFW clip for yourself down below.
Now we just sit back and wait for the Amanda Palmer/Wayne Coyne Twitter war to erupt.
nice porno gifs here